Thursday, September 16, 2010

A lovely blond in shades of blue...

Hi again! I wanted to share some photos of Jelina, a fairy maiden I had on ebay last week. She was very well received! Of course, those blond babes usually are....
I'll be right back with this week's Dragonfly fairy!


Christel said...

I was in awe of her when I saw her on ebay! Shes got the most gorgeous eyes! not to mention the vavavoom appeal! xoxo Christel

Marisa said...

she's beautiful, I love the hair it looks like she getting ready to fly away!

I do love the fae folk

simone said...

wonderfully :)

Deb Wood said...

Thank you Christel!! Bless your heart for checking out my blog, I appreciate that!! And you too, Marisa, thank you for your compliments!!

Simone, my most popular fairy ever, the one on my banner on my blog, was named Simone!! Love that name.... hugs to you too!